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We have just come back from a short visit to Grace Ministries. We have come home full and inspired to seek the Lord afresh for His direction in our own lives. We saw Light shining in darkness – 110 children cared for with the daily practicalities of food, shelter, clothing and education. Not only that, but all of this provided by staff who have laid down their own lives to serve, and to do so with integrity and excellence. These children have been rescued from situations of unimaginable distress. Their stories are heartbreaking. Here, they find safety, love, and hope. They learn to laugh and play as children should. And they are trained for life. The leaders have poured out their lives for these children. The thread of their joyful sacrifice is evident throughout the magnificent tapestry that is Grace Ministries and provides an exemplary model for staff and children (and visitors) to emulate. This is a place where heaven touches earth. Every aspect of the ministry bears the mark of God’s love expressed through grace. As wonderful as it is, escape from darkness is not the end of the story, it’s just the beginning. Therein lies a great challenge for these young lives. Pray for them, that they may fully avail of the grace given to them, that they may stay the course to completion, and embrace the Father’s love and instruction, until they are presented mature in Christ.

 Joe and Aoife Fitzgibbon-Ireland
Koh Bee Bee-Malaysia

Grace Ministries foundation origin is from the Father heart of God. When you have a couple, and a team made up of likeminded people whose hearts’ devotion is firstly as priests unto God – everything from God, to God, for God – then the home becomes special – it is worship, a spiritual worship, a spiritual sacrifice. Rom. 12:1,2 Present your bodies a living sacrifice, a spiritual worship. “This is for You Lord, unto You, for Your pleasure, in obedience to You.” Of course, you can’t expect the children who come from such impoverished backgrounds to realise the depth of its significance. But if you are sensitive spiritually, you know you walk on holy ground when you are at Grace Ministries. This home is built on spiritual sacrifice, a sweet incense, a pleasing aroma to the Lord. It gives Him pleasure; it is conducted before the audience of One for the benefit of everyone who comes in contact with Grace.




In the years to come, many remarkable people could be able to trace their family tree to the faithful and wonderful work of GMFT



The pebble has been thrown into the pond, and tiny waves are slowly extending outward and will reach the destination for which He intended them.



I have just spent three weeks as a visitor at Grace Ministries Foundation Thailand. During my time there I was met with the upmost hospitality and kindness. I was able to see many facets of the lives of the safeguarded children and the great work the staff is doing there. Not only are the children supported in their education, they are also taught many important values which enables them to live their lives better. I grew to have a lot of respect for the dedicated staff who work tirelessly in order to reach these goals. They are really making a difference for the better amongst Thai children. I am very grateful for the opportunity to visit and live with the people there, and I have gained many new friends.


Becky Gaslin (USA)

The GM staff is made up of a remarkable group of people whom I am proud to call my friends. God has provided co-founders Charles and Yoke Fong a current staff of 12 Thai nationals who will carry the ministry into the future. These brothers and sisters in Christ walk closely with the Father in selfless, humble, joyful, creative service. Unified in purpose—and just good friends-- these dedicated professionals balance love and discipline, teamwork and individuality, fun and studies for the children and youth in their care, all while displaying a great sense of humor and perspective. Assuring that every child is protected and loved in a family atmosphere where Jesus is honored, they prove a profound truth: showering kids with the love of the Father and respect for who they are and giving them the opportunity to have a good education transforms their lives with hope. 



My time at Grace Ministries has simply been life changing. I can really see and feel God working here. Grace Ministries is successful in protecting its children, educating them and offering the love of Christ. Each of these are of immense value in raising up leaders from broken backgrounds and in breaking the cycle of poverty and abuse of precious children. It is incredible to witness a Christian foundation not just surviving but thriving in Thailand and working out its purpose with pure motives. Without God, it would not be possible, but the staff has put their faith and trust in God, and he has graciously provided on every level. Love is poured out to Christ by the staff and this results in lavish love for everyone they serve. They have accepted me into their family and treated me as if I were one of them. To say my visit has been a learning experience would be quite the understatement. I have learned to love and to be loved, and I have seen what my Father can do when I just trust.



There was a point in the worship and celebrations when I felt like an intruder, and I understood that I was given the privilege of experiencing something holy and untouchable, an ongoing living work of God happening before my eyes. I was so very aware that this was the fruit of 20 years of hard work, prayer, fasting, pain, tears, laughter, obedience, self-denial and self-sacrifice. It is wonderful to see the Godly discipline and order promoted by the leadership and to see and experience the joy of the Lord, the peace of God, and the genuine friendship and fellowship here.



We discovered a place where God was at work to change the lives of all who came in contact—whether Thai or foreigners like us. Soon we became sponsors, and in January 2019, we decided to both visit on a sponsor trip. We had four fantastic days in Krasang and got to know our sponsored students on a personal level. We saw how God is transforming lives and how His love is poured out every day on the grounds of Grace Ministries. We saw:

  • An air of innocence without the burdens of worldly trappings—their cooperation with each other leaves us in awe—truly children of God!

  • Responsibility to the group, from cleaning homes and grounds to sharing in meal preparation, everyone has a role—truly a family of God!

  • Eagerness to learn with eyes wide open, academically, spiritually, and in biblical training—truly the heart of God!


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